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Consultant Proficiency Resources: Check in Moral Leader How U Doin?

Writer's picture: CeeCeeCeeCee

Consultant Proficiency Resources Moral Leadership Coaching tidbit will soon resume its building block series on youtube. Today, CPR is checking in with leaders to ask, how are you doing? As we draw close to the beginning of the summer season, this signals that schools will soon be closed, and families will be traveling to go on vacation. Similarly, for CPR, it signals the time for leadership check-in. Below are steps to identifying whether your work is paying off in your transition to becoming a Moral leader.

1. Deepen your self-awareness.

Your self-awareness increases with regular self-reflection. (1) Are you reflecting daily? (2) Are you mindful when you are self-reflecting? (3) Can you self-reflect at the drop of a hat? (4) If no, do you need to schedule time with yourself?

Assigned Value-for the four questions, assign 2 points to the first three questions you responded yes to. If you responded no, to #3, please answer question #4. If you responded yes to question #4, then add a value of 1. The maximum total value of this exercise is six.

As a reminder, to build a high level of self-awareness, one must understand your biases, strengths, and weaknesses. CPR's question to you as a leader. Did you complete CPR's Moral Leadership Coaching tidbit on youtube, episodes #1 and #2 on plotting your SWOT analysis? If not, the below link is provided for your convenience.

2. Foster social awareness.

Creative Leadership states, "From self-awareness comes social awareness, a part of emotional intelligence connected to leadership effectiveness. Social awareness is the currency of dialogue and our relationships with other people. When people lack social awareness, they have trouble communicating or saying the wrong things at the wrong times."

CPR recommends paying close attention since some social awareness may go against one's Moral principles. Pay attention.

3. Reveal blind spots.

Everyone has blind spots; what are you doing about it as a leader? The goal is to eliminate blind spots. (1) are you enlisting assistance to identify your blind spots, (2) Ego creates blind spots; what are you doing to get rid of your ego or being overly confident, (3) create an audit trail by fostering formal and informal feedback channels, that is an open culture, (4) make a conscious effort to change-1% change per day-i.e., atomic habits

4. Listen to understand.

Listen with your heart and not just your head. Listening enables you to discover what is not being said. It also allows the leader to give a voice to the voiceless within your organization. How are you honing your listening skills? (1) Are you allowing your team to speak first? (2) Are you asking questions? (3) Are you giving a voice to all employees? (4) Have you eliminated any form of isms? That is favoritism, nepotism, racism, sexism, etc.

Assigned Value-for the four questions, assign 2 points each. The total maximum value should be 8.

5. Lead with Moral fortitude.

To evolve into a Moral leader requires moral fortitude. This may mean going against the grain and leading with courageous vulnerability. A general rule of thumb, allow biblical principles to be your compass for what is deemed ethical. Do not allow new societal norms to redirect your principles.

Forward-thinking organizations are led by Moral leaders who construct a culture of inclusivity and open culture. This is a new season; use this time to evolve by applying CPR techniques and doing the work daily.

Warm Regards,


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