CPR's construction of Moral Leaders for optimum success continues with a term coined by CPR known as D.O.S.E. CPR's Moral Leadership Coaching practice is constructed on biblical + business principles that assist the busy entrepreneur on their journey. CPR recommends subscribing to CPR's Moral Leadership Coaching Tidbit youtube channel https://youtu.be/oOqX3WdRjwQ on how to administer a D.O.S.E within your busy practice. D.O.S.E. is the acronym for:
E-ENGAGE with your team
So, what does applying 1% of work during your busy schedule look like? CPR's upcoming posts render some understanding and recommendations. Let's explore. Today we will consider ten characteristics of a good leader courtesy of the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL). From the below list, the word 'integrity' appeared in CPR's posts on the ten attributes of a Moral Leader. If you have not read that post, be sure and do so. Why? Well, it depends on perspective. However, it is essential to highlight that in doing the work, the words below CPR classify as sub-categories that will emanate as you continue to do the work to construct a strong foundation. Consider CCL's description below, and CPR will dissect it in the upcoming issues.
1. Integrity
Integrity is an essential leadership trait for the individual and the organization. It’s essential for top-level executives who chart the organization’s course and make countless other significant decisions.
2. Delegation
Delegating is one of the core responsibilities of a leader, but it can take some work to delegate effectively. The goal isn’t just to free yourself up — it’s also to enable your direct reports to grow, facilitate teamwork, provide autonomy, and lead to better decision-making. The best leaders build trust in the workplace and their teams through effective delegation. 3. Communication
Effective leadership and effective communication are intertwined. The best leaders are skilled communicators who can communicate in various ways, from transmitting information to inspiring others to coach direct reports. The quality and effectiveness of communication among leaders across your organization directly affect the success of your business strategy. 4. Self-Awareness
While this is a more inwardly focused trait, self-awareness and humility are paramount for leadership. The better you understand yourself and your strengths and weaknesses, the more effective you can be as a leader. You must self-reflect before becoming self-aware.
5. Gratitude
Being thankful can lead to higher self-esteem, reduced depression and anxiety, and better sleep. Gratitude can even make you a better leader. The best leaders know how to show gratitude in the workplace. 6. Learning Agility
You are learning agility is knowing what to do when you don’t know what to do. But, of course, if you’re a “quick study” or can excel in unfamiliar circumstances, you might already be learning agile. Great leaders are great learners.
7. Influence
For some people, “influence” feels like a dirty word. But being able to convince people through the influencing tactics of logical, emotional, or cooperative appeals is an essential trait of inspiring, influential leaders. Influence differs from manipulation and needs to be done authentically and transparently. 8. Empathy
Empathy is correlated with job performance and is a critical part of emotional intelligence and leadership effectiveness. Empathy and inclusion are imperatives for improving workplace conditions for those around you. 9. Courage
It can be hard to speak up at work, whether you want to voice a new idea, provide feedback to a direct report, or flag a concern for someone above you. That’s part of why courage is a crucial trait of good leaders. Rather than avoiding problems or allowing conflicts to fester, having courage enables leaders to step up and move things in the right direction. 10. Respect
Treating people with respect daily is one of the most important things a leader can do. It will ease tensions and conflict, create trust, and improve effectiveness. Creating a culture of respect is about more than the absence of disrespect. Respectfulness can be shown in many different ways, but it often starts with simply being a good listener who truly seeks to understand the perspectives of others.
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