Welcome to another Moral Leadership posting. Considering some of the attributes that were highlighted in last week's post, I hope you had the time to self-reflect, analyze, and determine your strengths as a moral leader as well as your weaknesses. This week, CPR ventures into the practice of a moral leader.
According to Harvard University Institute for Moral leadership, organizations without Moral leadership result in a slow decaying within the organization. Typically, employees' productivity suffers, and unethical behavior becomes more likely. A key component of moral leadership is inspiration and motivation. Inspiring employees to evolve into their best selves is motivational while challenging them not to accept everyday business standards. Today's post features a Moral leadership matrix designed by The HOW Institute for Society. To evolve into something signifies one has to practice the set attributes. In this case, to evolve into a Moral leader requires the student to understand the practice of the Moral leader. CPR's Moral Leadership coaching combines Biblical/Torah principles with Business principles. Let's consider the below practices that include the following:
Biblical or Torah Principles
Reconnect with the commandments-(Exodus 20:1-17)
Operate in Wisdom- (Wisdom is the principal thing-Prov 4:7)
Leading by Example- (The Good Shepherd)
Meekness & Humility-(Fruit of the Spirit Gal5:25)
Uphold Biblical Standards-(Laws, Statutes & Judgments)
Seek Truth and pursue it (Lead me in thy truth and teach me Psalms 25:5)
Moral Fortitude-(Be of Good Courage-Psalms 31:24)
Gold is tried in the fire=put to the test (Ecc 2:5)

Business Principles for Moral Leadership-(The HOW Institute for Society)
Start with a Pause
See the Humanity in Everyone
Foster Freedom
Demonstrate Humility
Uphold Ethical Standards
Seek the Truth
Act with Courage
Put to the test (CPR added principle)
The below matrix exemplifies how to incorporate business principles. For the upcoming series, CPR will link the biblical principles above with the business principles.

CPR contends to stomp out toxicity requires the leadership of moral and ethical leaders. I hope you will join us as we embark on the antidote for a morally decaying society.
#stompingouttoxicworkplace #moralleader #ethicalleader #GoodShepherd #TorahPrinciples #Businessprinciples
Warm Regards,