Today's post, CPR, illustrates the basic premise behind emotional intelligence through the use of a matrix. CPR's Moral Leadership Coaching advocates for self-reflection, which allows for constructing self-awareness. Self-awareness allows the leader, in turn, to focus on building a capacity to work well with others. Being aware of our emotions and using them consciously can help us be more aware of others’ emotions.
Service & Fekula (2008), emotional intelligence matrix examines the idea of nature versus nurture as well as strengths and weaknesses. The emotional intelligence matrix provides a map for better understanding the relationship between capacities, competencies, and workplace skills. Understanding the differences in their relationships and hierarchy of development is beneficial when interpreting behavior and targeting organizational or educational initiatives.
Capacities are broken down into:
1. Self-reflection
2. Self-regulation/self-soothing
3. Empathy
Competencies are broken down into:
1. Emotional self-awareness
2. Accurate self-assessment
3. Self-control
4. Innovativeness
5. Adaptability
6. Resilience
7. Trustworthiness
8. Conscientiousness
9. Accurate self-assessment
10. Developing others
11. Political awareness
12. Conflict management
13. Building team bonds
14. Leadership
Below is a sample from Learning in Action Technologies. For your self-reflection, please review the matrix and commence the process of building your EQ and assisting you in your leadership development.

Warm Regards,