CPR's Level Up series continues with the Marketing of Your Referral Program. Once you have identified and customized the referral program on your website, the next step is to create a buzz through Marketing Your Referral Program. Much like any marketing campaign or sales program, there is little value and even less reward if you don’t market the heck out of it. Customers have to be made aware of the program, and as we all know only too well, these days, getting noticed above the din is no easy task. But that is what you must do to win this game. Because customer referral programs can be so financially rewarding, your promotion and branding must be of value. In addition to placing the referral program on your website, CPR recommends customizing your program by knowing your niche. Knowing their niche will allow you to appeal to their senses, which remains a compelling marketing technique. Beyond that, all of the customary marketing methods should be employed:
Website, with the referral program on the homepage.
E-newsletter, as well as email generally. Tell your customers about your program and what they can get from it.
Social media. Using Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and more — the key is to blast it out and link back to the page on your site where they can sign up.
But making people aware of the program is only the beginning of your marketing efforts. If you want your program to pay off, not only must your best customers be made aware of it, not only must they sign up for it, but they must remember to act on it. Follow up, follow up, follow up, and then remind. However, be mindful not to create email fatigue. Email fatigue may create cognitive dissonance whereby future information is mentally or physically blocked for the crime of email blasts. Share stories of customers who received some significant benefit from referring a friend. Share the story of the new customer who got a benefit and why they chose your business. Offer additional and new incentives to generate new buzz and attention as time goes by. It is also essential to promote your program at times when your customers are most excited about your business – when they shop or check out, when they get great results from something you have done, or when you get some great online reviews or social media love from your customers, that sort of thing.
Six weeks before the end of the business calendar year, get going and promote your program.
Warm Regards,