In 2023, Consultant Proficiency Resources made considerable strides to market, promote, educate, and brand. Based on CPR's objectives, I can say mission accomplished. The fourth quarter of the calendar year is an excellent time to assess your current and prior years' activities and tactical and strategic goals for the upcoming year. This may take some time, so do not procrastinate until late December. As we continue to provide tips for CPR's Level Up series, let's consider trimming the fat within your business.
So, your business was constructed on a solid or weak foundation, built around the specific idea(s). As a leader, taking the time to assess what worked and did not work is crucial. Identifying what worked or did not work is not always based on revenue; it's directly linked to the goals you set in your business plan. Whether an employee, a partner or collaboration, a pet project, a product or service. Be sure to review and identify the area(s) that need to eliminate or trim the fat. Consider the following:
1 This is an excellent time to deploy your SWOT analysis. This is an excellent place to start if any area is deemed deficient.
2-Another consideration is your data. If you're unsure what fat you're holding onto in your business, go by the numbers. Which part of your business has the lowest return on investment? Cut it out and focus your entrepreneurial energies on driving more traffic to your best offers or crafting even better offers to outperform them.
3-If it is a prospective client. If a potential client is demanding too much of your time, they are potentially stringing you along for freebies. If it is no longer a value, cut ties.
4-If a paid client demands much of your time and attention, taking their money costs you. It's time to trim the fat.
5-Challenge yourself and go beyond your comfort zone. Trim the fear mentality from your business equation. 6-Stop doing what everyone else is doing and practice divergent thinking. Please go to CPR's Moral Leadership Coaching tidbit series on YouTube as CPR resumes its 2nd building block series on Creativity.
7-Get rid of mundane tasks and Level Up by recruiting someone to conduct daily challenges. 8-Trim the clutter of noises in your head. A leader needs time to think and reflect. Identify leadership time by investing in a leadership coach or begin doing the work yourself.
9-Trim mediocrity and go for the gusto. In other words, Level Up! Go big or go home.
Another way to Level Up or Muscle Up is to trim the fat within your business. So, reflect and identify any additional area just hanging on without a purpose, which may be excess fat.
#trim #trimthefat #levelup #muscleup #CPRLLC #consultantproficiencyresources #goals #milestones #calendaryear #fiscalyear #quarterlyreport
Warm Regards,