CPR welcomes you to another Wellness Wednesday, where we can cultivate a healthy work environment. As a leader, how can you continue to foster a healthy work environment? A recent Gallup research unveiled five factors that are linked to employee burnout:
unfair treatment at work
unmanageable workload
unclear communication from a direct report
lack of support
unreasonable project deadlines

For example, conducting a solid interview process where the task is compatible with the interviewee is one way to eliminate employee burnout. An employee that enjoys the overall job function will perform and execute the job differently and effectively. Within your environment, CPR encourages leaders to consider the additional recommendations from Gallup (2021):
Employee Engagement-create a culture that ensures employees are involved, enthusiastic, and highly productive in their work and workplace.
Employee Experience-analyze and improve the experiences across your employee life cycle, so your people and organization can thrive.
Leadership-identify and enable future-ready leaders who can inspire exceptional performance.
Culture Transformation-understand the culture you have, define the one you want, and make your organizational identity a competitive advantage.
Customer Centricity-put, the customer at the core of every part of your organization to deliver exceptional experiences and grow your business.
Organizational Effectiveness-ensure that you have the right strategy, culture, people, structure, and processes to achieve your goals.
Small businesses frequently do not link the recommendations as a way to improve one's company. CPR addressed all of the above issues in prior postings. If you have not read the post, review it for free tips and tricks for promoting a healthy work environment. The first step is knowledge; the next step is preparation. As a leader, you must stay prepared and assist your team in establishing a similar mindset—cheers to Wellness Wednesday.
#stompingouttoxicworkplaceculture #wellnesswednesday #preparation #knowledgeispower #organizationculture #triggers
Warm Regards,