CPR's Dadtrepreneur series views the softer side of parenting and managing. According to research, a good dad displays compassion and value for a mom. Hmmm!!! Let's begin.

In an earlier blog, CPR addressed the importance of honing not only hard skills that are generally more technical but soft skills such as compassion and valuing others. While some may conclude the attributes mentioned above are frequently linked to moms, according to research, good dads possess similar attributes. Let's explore how it can be linked to the workplace.
1. Compassion
Compassion is a state of mind or attitude that helps us feel connected and close to the human experience. For dads, this means being physically and mentally present for the child. In the twenty-first century, the makeup of a teenager today was undoubtedly different from the twentieth century; regardless, parents must be in tune with the here and now. Similarly, with a diverse workforce, both culturally and generational, a CEO must hone the skill of compassion. This may mean simply becoming more accommodating to each employee's needs. For a single mom or dad, this may mean approval to come in late for a parents-teachers meeting scheduled for 9:30 am. To recruit and maintain adequate, competent, and excellent employees, you must lead with your heart. Show compassion.
2. Valuing of mother
Valuing and showing respect are similar to validating our partners or members of the team. Showing love and respect requires action in the home, not just thoughts. Similarly, demonstrating respect in the workplace requires action during meetings and team sessions and maintaining a culture of mutual respect that starts with you, the leader. Your team members will mirror your attributes, CPR advocates for positive reinforcers.
At this point, whether the momtrepreneur or Dadtrepreneur series, we are placing the spotlight on the attributes of a great leader; some may even say transformational leader. Leadership can hamper or improve the value within a business, large or small. Leadership attributes are a pillar that must be mastered. A leader is responsible for inspiring, motivating, and guiding a team. In a small business, this is needed to keep the organization afloat. For one-on-one coaching, please send us an email to workclimate@cprllcservices.com.
#coach, #dad, #entrepreneur, #workclimate, #workculture, #leader, #value, #inspire, #motivate, #compassion, #validation, #master
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