Tomorrow commences CPR's 60-day Business Spring Cleaning challenge. Weekly, CPR will provide additional instructions that must be implemented to assist leaders in leveling up for 2024. Join the challenge, apply techniques, do the work, and watch your business transform.
Send CPR an email at Weekly, CPR will transmit weekly details exclusively to leaders who agree to participate in the challenge. Each participant also has 1 one-time opportunity for a free 30-minute business consultant check-up virtually with CPR's CEO to assist with the 60-day Spring Cleaning challenge.
If you are ready to level up, start your engine, subscribe to CPR's website, and email CPR. Place in the subject line: Level UP 2024-Spring Cleaning Business Challenge. The first set of the challenge instructions will be transmitted on Sunday, May 5th, 2024. As a reminder, this is a commitment for two months or sixty days. If you have a team, we encourage you to share with your team and invite them to join you on this transformational journey. By joining this challenge, applying the techniques, and putting in the work, you'll witness a remarkable transformation in your business.
This challenge is for you only if you are ready to:
1-level up
2-love a challenge
3-you are interested in gauging your business for investors
4-you have incorporated your business for more than one year
5-you want to learn and grow
60-Day Spring Cleaning Challenge reward
1-bragging rights- completed your very first business challenge
2-Certification of Completion plaque
3-business transformed to a leaner and investor-ready business
4-an interview with CPR's CEO on "Jumpstart with CPR" on WONIRADIO
5-Interview will be aired on KCPR TV
6-Create a 10-minute or less promotional video highlighting the business

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Wow. This is lovely